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Ethics Policy

All Directors and Officers shall foster cooperation among members of the beekeeping community 


Mission: The mission of NMBKA is to lead, serve and support beekeeping and pollinators.   


Given its mission, the NMBKA has adopted a code of ethics to guide its board members, officers, committee members and general membership in their conduct when acting on behalf of the NMBKA. The Code contains broad principles reflecting the types of behavior the NMBKA expects towards constituents, donors, peers and the public. This policy is not intended as a stand-alone policy. It does not embody the totality of the NMBKA ethical standards, nor does it answer every ethical question or issue that might arise. Rather, it is one element of a broader effort to create and maintain a quality organization that gives ethical conduct the highest priority. This Code will be reviewed periodically. Board members, officers, committee members and general membership should: 


  • Listen to our stakeholders and make all reasonable efforts to satisfy their needs and concerns within the scope of our mission, and to strive for excellence and innovation and demonstrate professional respect and responsiveness to constituents, donors and others. 

  • Make an effort to understand, respect and support our constituents from other cultures, exemplified by the contributions of our staff and executive leadership. 

  • Contribute to an organizational culture that respects the diverse, individual contributions of staff and leadership and promotes positive, healthy and truthful communication. 

  • Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information about the NMBKA, its members, constituents, donors and board. 

  • Comply with applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and fiduciary responsibilities in an effort to create transparency in all of our operations. 

  • For the board of directors and officers, provide credible and effective oversight to the organization’s work without personal bias. 

  • Not accept commissions, gifts, payments, loans, promises of future benefits or other items of value from anyone who has or may seek some benefit from the NMBKA in return, other than occasional gifts of nominal value that are in keeping with good business ethics. 

  • Abide by the governing documents and policies of the NMBKA. 

  • Implement and follow a Conflict of Interest Policy. 

  • Act at all times in accordance with the highest ethical standards and in the best interest of the NMBKA, its members, constituents, donors and reputation. 

  • Honor our commitments and promises. 

  • Acknowledge contributions from other individuals and organizations who help facilitate our goals. 

  • Be honest and open in our fundraising activities or in prospecting for new members to join the NMBKA. 

  • The NMBKA Officers are responsible for communicating this Code of Ethics to all members of the board of directors, standing committee members, as well as staff volunteers and for ensuring its adherence at all times. 

  • The Organization will select and pursue only goals and activities that are consistent with the purposes for which it is deemed tax-exempt. 

  • The Organization will not participate in any activities that are illegal at any level of government or that violate fundamental public policy. 

  • The Organization will not operate for the benefit of private interests of any leader, member, contributor, or any family member or friend of a leader, member, or contributor. 

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