Certified Beekeepers Program
Overview of Certified Beekeepers Program and How to Apply
NMBKA membership is included in the CBeeks fee.
What You’ll Learn!
The Certified Beekeepers Program is organized through the New Mexico Beekeepers Association in cooperation with the City of Albuquerque and other cities around the state. This comprehensive program provides quality education on beekeeping. Classes are taught by recognized, expert New Mexico beekeepers and include supervised, hands-on lessons, using top-bar and Langstroth honeybee hives. As part of the program, students receive a full-color handbook covering the essentials of beekeeping. Students who complete this two-year curriculum and 40 hours of community outreach will earn a Beekeepers Certification.
The program has been developed to achieve essential objectives:
Consistent training in best practices of beekeeping
Community education and outreach
The program is offered only in Albuquerque at the City of Albuquerque’s Open Space Visitor Center, located on Coors Blvd NW, unless otherwise noted.
Year One – Level I Topics
Beekeeping Equipment, Protective Clothing
Races of Honey Bees and Bee Biology
Roles of the Drones, Workers and Queen
Spring, Summer and Fall Hive Management
Honey and Wax Processing
Swarm Catching, Diseases and Pests
Botany, Ecology, Phenology, Pollination
Record keeping, Marketing & Selling
Each class includes guided hive inspections with experienced beekeepers in both Langstroth and Top Bar hives.
Year Two – Level II Topics
Level II is more self-guided and includes class time, electives and Top Bar and Langstroth mentoring sessions.
Class Topics:
Bee Horticulture
Queen Health / Queen Rearing
Africanized Bees
Varroa Mite Management
Electives (Any Three):
NMBKA Winter and Summer Conferences
Top Bar Hive Construction
Queen Rearing
Solar Wax Melter Construction
Ken Hays Honey Farm
Honey Harvest and Processing
Record keeping, Marketing & Selling
Students will spend time with experienced Top Bar and Langstroth beekeepers to increase their knowledge of managing bees with these types of hives. Students will learn to split colonies in these types of hives, seasonal arrangement of brood and resources within the hive, spotting queens, signs of swarming, and overall hive health.